Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Stew Learns a Lesson

Joseph Waters

Stew was 13 years old and was a regular kid who lived in New York City. He went to school, came home, did his homework. Same thing every single day. One day he saw his Grandpa, who was really rich. He said “ Grandpa, can I borrow your helicopter?”
“Sure just don’t blow anything up with the missiles and the fifty caliber on the helicopter. Okay?”
“Okay Grandpa”
Stew was really excited about this so the next day he took his homework and flew the helicopter to the Empire State Building and did his homework up there. after that he rode around New York blowing up stuff and shooting people because he liked to pretend that he was playing video games.
    The next day he returned the helicopter to his Grandpa and his Grandpa said “I knew I couldn’t trust you! that’s the last time I let you borrow something of mine!JEE WILIKERS!!!” So Stew was sad that his Grandpa was mad at him for that but he really didn’t care that much.
     The next day he went to his friend Bobby and said “Hey your dad has Ferrari So can I borrow it?”
“Sure” said Bobby, and the next day, sure enough, Bobby brought a Ferrari to school. “Whatever you do, don’t press the giant red button.”
“Okay” said Stew and he drove off skipping school. He decided to drive through the city ans crash into taxi drivers one was really mad and called him a “stupid-head” although Stew didn’t give a care. Stew thought that he should press the red button once. He pressed it and than an electronic voice said “Nitrous Initiating”
“OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” screamed Stew. But it was to late. He was driving into a gas truck and all of the sudden his seat shot him out of the car with a parachute but the car blew up. “Oh no! Bobby is going to be so mad at me!!” The next day Stew had to tell Bobby about the Ferrari “What!!!! I told you not to press the red button!!!!!”. Stew was pretty sad that Bobbys mad at him but It wasn’t that big of a deal.
One day He was walking in his neighborhood and saw his neighbor Mr.Popo playing baseball by himself. “Can I play?” said Stew.
“Well actually I’m about to head off to work but you can play baseball in my house, You can break anything you want just don’t break my $500,000,000,000 window. It was made by Chuck Norris himself!”
“Okay, that won’t be a problem, My favorite part is when you throw the bat!” Right then he threw the bat straight out Mr.Popo’s $500’000’000 window made by Chuck Norris himself. “Stew!!!!!!!!! I’m SOOO mad! GET! OUT! OF! MY! HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
So Stew left Mr.Popo’s House.
After Stew left Mr.Popo’s house, Mr.Popo called Stew’s Grandpa. “Hello?”
“Hello? Who is this?”
“This is Stew’s neighbor Po Po Popo, but you can call me Mr. Popo. This call is concerning Teaching Stew a Lesson. We will call Stew’s friend Bobby”
The next day Bobby said to Stew “Step outside”
“Okay,” Then Mr.Popo Took a bag and put it over his head while Stew’s Granpa threw him into the back of his private jet. Then they took the bag of his head and Mr.Popo said, Time to learn a lesson Stew!!” and then they all cackled with laughter. Then they opened the door and threw him out of it. While Stew was falling to the ground he felt sorry for all the things he broke. But it was too late. He couldn’t go back and say sorry. Stew landed sraight into Chuck Norris’s house that was made of $500,000,000,000,000glass made by Chuck Norris himself. Stew was paralyzed for the rest of his life.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


We sneak across camp
Looking for the girls' shoes
But our plan was foiled

My calfs beg me to stop
As I hike up the hill
It burns like fire

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Indifferent Haikus (found poems)

I curse the moment
I walked upon the plaza
the stones, an omen

I walk across town
the thought of sheep meat appeals
I slaughter the flock

I am a merchant
I make crystal wine glasses
for ceremonies

Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Man! (Thats me)

I am fast and athletic
I wonder what it feels like to sky dive
I hear zippers zipping
I see the end of the world coming sooner and sooner
I want a giant pie
I am fast and athletic

I pretend I'm a sheep running from wolves when I play football
I feel sorrow for those in Afghanistan
I worry about my brothers and sisters
I cry for the Americans we've lost in the war 
I am fast and athletic

I understand
life isn't fair
I say I'm an atheist
I dream of being rich
I try to be a good student
I hope this recession ends
I am fast and athletic

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Summer Snapshot

Driving down the highway towards Westhaven Drive. I look to my left to see the sun just glimmering off the Pacific Ocean. As I look, I take note that the clouds are different mixtures of pink, red, purple, and white. I watch the ocean and the sky all the way, as we drive out of sight to Westhaven drive.